Nexuiz steam grid
Nexuiz steam grid


Another thing that contributes to wait times between poses is that, sometimes, life happens! Finding yourself running behind due to chores, dealing with family/friends/roommates/etc is something everyone deals with, so it's pretty understandable if someone can't type a response in a quick time frame. One on one sessions can sometimes inspire longer poses, since there's more room for thought. Multiple-person scenes can run between a small-sized paragraph to longer, depending on how inspired a player is, or the tone of the scene. Poses aren't usually meant to be instantaneous. It's mostly a way to keep scenes separate from each other in a cohesive, understandable way. Many times people will pick a room within the general area and just pretend it's whatever spot they want. This is not nearly as cumbersome as it appears, because you aren't often moving between rooms in the middle of a roleplay. So instead of a list of 'tavern, town fountain, jail', for instance, you might have the Free Japan room, which links to the Area 11 room, which links to the Nagoya room, as an example. These tend to be laid out in a manner that from a 'physically moving' perspective are fairly rational.


You're roleplaying in a series of chatrooms, themed after specific rooms that would, in character, exist in the room. If you're used to roleplaying via forums/bulletin boards or chatrooms, think of MU*s as a midpoint between the two. So, what IS a MOO, exactly? Well, let's try to frame it in terms based on your potential prior experience with roleplaying games!


You are here!Ĭhapter 2: Voices - Wherein basic mechanics of communication are described.Ĭhapter 3: Unyielding Wish - How to be a good guest, what to expect for the application process, and how to construct a well-rounded character.Ĭhapter 4: Tomorrow - Where we discuss the ins and outs of roleplay, obtaining roleplay, and the tricks behind scene-planning.Ĭhapter 5: Lullaby of Iron - Navigating the Kantaisen system, combat RP advice, and other goodies. Here's the chapters so you can skip ahead as necessary:Ĭhapter 1: Silent Voice - How to connect and log on to SRTMOO.

nexuiz steam grid

If you run across something that confused you that you wish to put in this guide to help others, or something you know more about and want to clarify, put it in here! This guide also contains text and advice from many people, as this is something anyone can add advice to or update.

nexuiz steam grid nexuiz steam grid

Depending on the codebase (MUSH, MOO, MUCK, etc.) some commands may also differ. Welcome to the MOO New User Guide! This guide is tailored around Super Robot Taisen MOO, but much of this advice can be applied for any MU* centered around roleplay, though many parts will be entirely subjective.

Nexuiz steam grid